Laser Quit Smoking Or Smoking Cessation Treatment By Advance Laser Clinic
While smoking poses several health risks, it doesn’t make it easier to kick the habit. The main reason is smokers experience high levels of endorphins, and when they try to quit smoking, there is a sudden drop in endorphins levels, which is the main reason for cravings. So quitting smoking isn’t that easy, but there are chances of success.
At Advance Laser Clinic, we can help you quit smoking in sixty minutes! How? Keep reading to know more.
L.L.L.T (Low-Level Laser Therapy)
L.L.L.T (Low-Level Laser Therapy) uses acupuncture points and helps to stimulate and maintain the body’s natural mechanism to balance the endorphin levels. It’s completely safe, painless, and actually relaxing, and it uses laser pure light energy.
Smoking cessation lowers breathing issues, the risk of cancer, and other serious health problems. It is beneficial for people who have been struggling with quitting smoking for a long time with no success.
The Low-Level Laser Therapy begins with a little preparation in order to achieve the successful result of the treatment. We make sure to discuss that with our patients before the treatments.
All in all, the laser works amazingly! Our clinic has a 99.9% success rate, and with more than ten years of experience, we promise you will receive a service.
We provide initial treatment and a FREE booster (follow-up treatment) to our patients. 95% of patients successfully quit after the initial treatment; the booster is another kick to the system to break the habit too.
If you want an alternative solution to the Low-Level Laser Therapy, there are always nicotine patches, gums, and prescribed meds available; however, laser treatments are the best.
For more information about laser quit smoking or smoking cessation treatment, reach out to Advance Laser Clinic. You can call us at (403) 717-3722 or email us at We are Calgary’s leading laser hair removal and skincare clinic, providing a holistic approach to beauty, health, and skincare. We invest significant time in continuing education to keep ourselves up to date with the latest developments and cutting-edge technologies in the field of laser hair removal, cold laser applications, aesthetics, stop smoking, and weight loss.
We have clients visiting our laser hair removal clinic from across Calgary, Airdrie, Strathmore, Cochrane, Chestermere, and the surrounding areas.
To know about the services we offer, please click here or get in touch with us by clicking here.